Author: sensationalmoms

Hormones & Sensory Overload

Hormones can deeply influence overwhelm. Maybe as a mom you know this already, but there are actually some surprising impacts on sensory overload. Do you identify with any of these situations? -You’ve been busy all day managing the kids and your own overwhelm when dad gets home, walks straight to the couch, and sits… seemingly […]

Vagus Nerve, Relationships, & Sensory Overload

Meaningful relationships profoundly impact the nervous system and bring us to a connected, regulated state in moments of sensory overload and help us hit those overwhelmed moments a little less often and intensely. Let’s dive into a basic understanding of the vagus nerve so you can understand how this works and delve into some practical […]

Basics Needs for Overstimulated Moms

Sensory overwhelm is really just part of the story– the canary in the coalmine letting you  know that your conditions are not supporting your nervous system in a way that you can thrive as a homeschool mom. When you are stuck in cycles of sensory overload, reactivity, and guilt, it can be really hard to […]

Planning 101: Overstimulated Moms Edition

Welcome to summer! Maybe you feel overstimulated already, with different routines, weather, excitement… or maybe you’re refreshed! But it’s only a matter of time before the allure of a brand new school year starts calling your name with its fresh planner pages and maybe some colored pens, too.  If you’ve been overwhelmed, you might be […]

Understimulated Moms are Overwhelmed Moms

If you’re focused on surviving overstimulation, you cannot thrive as a mom. What can nature teach overwhelmed moms about healthy sensory balance so that we can avoid a life of chronic overwhelm & dysregulation? A lot, actually.  I love growing plants from seeds and transplanting them as soon as the conditions are right. What about […]

Overwhelm Surprising You, Mom?

Overwhelm surprises so many moms who confide in me: “If only I could see it coming.” “It just comes out of nowhere.” “I just go from fine to not fine.” In moments of overwhelm & overstimulation, so many moms say they’re so surprised that they don’t have a chance to respond differently, even if they […]

Self-Regulation, Sensory & Motherhood

May be you’ve heard of self-regulation in terms of kids controlling their actions and impulses. What exactly is it, and how does it affect your role as a mom and homeschooler? “Why don’t you just get a grip?” “Good moms don’t react that way.” “My kids are just acting that way because I set a […]